Enemy Territory Mapping Project (GtkRadiant ET-1.3)
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Project Name: Recycling2 Arena1
Map Name: recycling2arena1
Release: 25.08.2004
Gerald Maier
Features: -

Map description:
A Scene from the original Doom3 Map "Recycling2" + a lot of bots :)

Recycling2 Arena1 - DOOM3 Singleplayer Map - Download Zip-File ... [ here ] ...

extract file to \DOOM3\BASE directory and start game by hitting /map recycling2arena1 into console

 Project Name: ttt
Map Name: tictactoe
Release: 25.06.2004
Gerald Maier
Features: Tic Tac Toe in Enemy Territory :)

Map description:
Oh yes.. Tic Tac Toe - a Multiplayergame for 2 Players in ET

TicTacToe - Enemy Territory Map - Download Zip-File ... [ here ] ...

 Project Name: GMAI
Map Name: GMAI
Release: 14.06.2004
Gerald Maier
Features: Testmap - Bots + MAP-Resource-File

Map description:
Small Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single-Player Map.

GMAI - RTCW - Return to Castle Wolfenstein SINGLEPLAYER-MAP - Download Zip-File ... [ here ] ...
(copy file to \rtcw\Main directory and start game by hitting /spmap gmai into wolfconsole)


Project Name: Indoor
Map Name: XLABS1
Release: 04.02.2004
Gerald Maier
Features: Elevator, automatic-doors, constructables, command post, capturable spawnpoint, 8-stage movable cran in both directions

Map description:
Steal the Radar Components from the very secret Axis X-Ray research Laboratory!

The Allies are attempting to steal components of the new Axis X-Rays radar for technical analysis. The Axis must guard their prototype radar and prevent the Allies from escaping with any stolen parts.
Along the way the Allies have several secondary objectives which the Axis team must try to prevent them accomplishing. Firstly the Allies must dynamite the Main Gate to allow them to hack the Control Panel and get access to the Main Entrance. Once inside the Laboratory there is a flag which can be captured by either side to allow a closer respawn point as well as near ammo and health racks. Finally the Allied team has to move the Cran to get access to the Radar Components and bring it to the "Escape Bunker".

XLABS1 - Enemy Territory Map - Download Zip-File ... [ here ] ...


Project Name: Rescue the Maiden from the Evil Death Incarnate Cave
Release: 05.09.2003
Gerald Maier
Map description:
Rescue the Maiden!
The Axis forces are holding a maiden prisoner in a dungeon located inside a creepy old church built into an ancient volcano crater! The Allied primary objectives are to locate the maiden, break her free from captivity then escort her safely to the waiting escape truck. The Axis primary objectives are to prevent the maiden's rescue at all costs and stop her from escaping within the truck.

Along the way the Allies have several secondary objectives which the Axis team must try to prevent them accomplishing. Firstly the Allies must dynamite the dungeon door grate to allow them access to the crater. This can also be achieved by destroying the large block in the water near the truck and entering through a submerged tunnel. Once inside the crater there is a flag which can be captured by either side to allow a closer respawn point as well as handy ammo and health racks. Finally the Allied team must breach the prison wall from inside the church to free the maiden.

Rescue the Maiden - Enemy Territory Map - Download Zip-File ... [ here ] ...